[LPW #133] The Yandere's Diary

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well true, one shouldn't trust a yandere, but you're different. you're special. you have earned my trust :chuuni_salute:

e-eh me?You really think so? then I'll have to protect you from Ralium's attacks too..

KK is a yandere!?
/me takes out shotgun

bring it on ralli:korokke_uwooo:

/me aims


/me continues rendering
Well I'm currently busy with this rendering it's almost done yet still in progress so yeah brb!

hello hopefully friendly yandere person! :goodtea:

who else is on, if you know?
not bad, taking a break from skyrim requiem playthrough so i decided to start watching fate stay night
/me takes cup away from KK

yo Creng you new member right? welcome welcome to ASF
oh hey ralium and sky, but i better call it a day, needa head out, catch you all later, n hopefully i dont mean a couple of months from now haha
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