[MENTION=119207]* Lucy hands [MENTION=105336]Faireye[/MENTION]; a rose
A-A-A rose? F-for me?

Awwwsyou were thinking me? That is so sweet!
Same here my dear kouhai, same here
And I'm glad to hear that you have surpassed your shyness!
that's GREAT news!
Oh how I remember the times I met you first and you was soo shy
/me hugs kouhai tightly back and pets her head~
And that's good that you don't have the vomits anymore, but if headache continues, take a painkiller medicine pill or something for the headache :3 (idk what they are called there ^^; )
Senpai cannot stay long cuz it's almost 4am here but I will stay a bit more for my kouhai~
[MENTION=38039]Lucifer Angel[/MENTION]; So I get a tree instead of rose, hmm? Gee thanksHmph! (XD)
[MENTION=115385]Nebby[/MENTION]; /me ish glomped and giggles
You're welcome![]()
Uh, it's true that at first I was too shy

/me pets his head as well ~

Yeah, i should take one, thanks

No no no senpai, You need to sleep. You need enough sleep to face the next day. You don't need to stay for me. Take care of yourself, senpai, please.
It makes me very happy you want to stay but I also worry about your health and you, as a person you are

[MENTION=115385]Nebby[/MENTION]; Nee-san! /me glomps Nee-san