[LPW #157] Nichijou

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I use my laptop... but I also have 200 tabs open :alice_blink:

O-o-of course not.... u-ummm.... ill be right back :akazukin_dash:

I guess that makes sense :alice_sorry:

It might sting a bit :kurochan_thumb:

That isnt natural in the least :rr_scold:

You got us costumes? :nekopara_wut:

200 tabs?!!!!:nyanmusu_what:

Where are you going? Samy onii cheated me :korokke_cry:

/me treats samy cookies and warm milk :chuuni_kira:

Have I turned into metallic objects? :lapi_sweat:

Miraculously :lapi_cheer:

Adventurers should have specific costumes, don't they? :alice_confused:
200 tabs?!!!!:nyanmusu_what:

Where are you going? Samy onii cheated me :korokke_cry:

/me treats samy cookies and warm milk :chuuni_kira:

Have I turned into metallic objects? :lapi_sweat:

Miraculously :lapi_cheer:

Adventurers should have specific costumes, don't they? :alice_confused:

I.... open tabs thinking I will get back to them later and then I get distracted by other things and never close them :akazukin_idk:

Y-y-you can get your own pizza too :alice_dead:

Cookies and milk :akazukin_yahoo: Like this? https://www.facebook.com/Insiderfood/videos/1597687407202397/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

You want to become a cyborg? :kurochan_hmm:

I guess there is no way to argue against that :miku_pout:

Depending on the type of adventurer :nekopara_dizzy:
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