[LPW #164] Coffeeeee!!!!

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Good evening LPW. Don't you think it's a little cold? =\ /me finds someone to stake burn
I am fine, my neighbour flooded his and my apartment, by trying to fix a plumbing problem by himself instead of calling a plumber. The vast majority of my stuff is already moved to another adress now, i'm just trying to save what i can. I already lost some games, my consoles (xbox 360 and ps4), about 30 light novels and a desktop pc. In any case, everything should be fine next thursday, i will have internet again (At the moment i'm using my sister's internet connection). I will try to come to the forum at least once before thursday, at least that will change me my ideas.

I'm living with another neighbour who's also my co worker during work days and with my sister during the weekends. But now i'm now with my co worker because i have just learned that the other neighbour has no insurance. This is really messed up.
I am fine, my neighbour flooded his and my apartment, by trying to fix a plumbing problem by himself instead of calling a plumber. The vast majority of my stuff is already moved to another adress now, i'm just trying to save what i can. I already lost some games, my consoles (xbox 360 and ps4), about 30 light novels and a desktop pc. In any case, everything should be fine next thursday, i will have internet again (At the moment i'm using my sister's internet connection). I will try to come to the forum at least once before thursday, at least that will change me my ideas.


Ouch, Hope things work out okay.

If he has no insurance, you may have to consider a lawsuit.
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