[LPW #17] Property of the Afterlife Battlefront

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Will, I think you might have just double posted, check it (page 37) xD

What's up guys...CNY is Monday...23rd...CNYE is Sunday, we're talking about it already? xD

Kou you got any Red pocket so far?

Not yet...

Yay Chinese new year ish coming up on Monday
Im excited to have fun and pwn newbs in gambling
What's with the new year gambling and such o.O? Seems like I never done it for the past 19 years of my life >.> Damn all my cousins are pretty good at those gambling so I never play with them xD
But gambling its good, when your winning ~
And when your losing, just rage at them and steal their money :evillaugh:
Most of them are older than me, raging doesn't work as such, most of us actually practice martial art >.> So yea, it will end up someone getting hurt (likely to be me...)
If thats the case, almost everyone here is giving out red packets :|

Early happy new year 1st, i might not be here later.
If thats the case, almost everyone here is giving out red packets :|

Early happy new year 1st, i might not be here later.

Early New Year to you too Kou :3 Have fun pwning noobs, and yea, most of us will have to give out red-pocket...

But King doesn't, since King is not married to Seiba D:
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Yay sitting by the sea waiting for the next earthquake to cause a landslide and move the house into the sea
I see...so I'm guessing you guys are over in America? PST is used widely in America no?
CNY in 2 1/2 hours..
And I gotta do shitty project work.
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