That's my old style and it worked pretty well so why not? ;P Plus if I start lurking now then it will be less of a chance people will know me later on ;P I'll be part of the first week history of AS and that's it ;P
Don't know, I'm just a person who doesn't like the idea of hard earned stuff being taken away xD Which is the reason why I never stick to a forum and earn things for too long ;P XD Don't know why I suddenly break my own style xD
corocoro says he'll miss me already O_O Maybe it came out wrong, I was just implying I probably won't be shooting 200 posts per day or something, maybe something normal like 20-30 posts a day, something like that. xD Maybe more if I have more free time to spare :D
Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.