[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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morning guys~
*hais, stares at my horrible grades*
nah, no way i will feel ok after seeing my stupid grades
@myself: *random quote* Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright.

@everyone: ohayo everyone. *yawn* just got up. =_=
^i like the owner of that line very much. sad it died. D:

now, so much time to kill, so little time~ what should i do for today...
Oh hi shadow. I'm a bit busy now so bye people ^^
It's a tendancy to sleep real late at night and wake up late into the morning on weekends ^^
I was waiting for people xD

Hi again Shadow and teru xD
lol, so whats the time over your side now, locke?

@cocona oic
Only about 5 minutes until midnight, I'll probably fall asleep a little over 2 hours if I don't feel like sleeping in the next hour.

@Coco: Ooh, no wonder I didn't see you in the afternoon like always haha.
wow, thats a strange timezone. its 4pm afternoon here
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