[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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what the.......the tune at the beginning lead me to expect some classy song/game and then...........lolol :70bff581::70bff581:.

Well, i guess this is the way yuzusoft tell us not to expect some deep story but only some lighthearted comedy game. Wacky Nobles i am okay with this XD.

And darn yuzusoft for splitting all my favorite traits over all heroines.. though i am leaning towards Hinata and Shizune for now~
*stares at backlog yet again, but takes consolation in kou's even bigger backlog*
i am always up to date with everything VN related XD.

As for my backlog, i finish 2 current titles out every month and 1 backlog title, BUT i add another 2 current or old title to the backlog every month. So yea it keep on adding but that is how it goes for me XD
yeah, i know when i keep adding while being unable to finish my current ones.
i hope u eventually start one 1st b4 adding LOL...

ur ava looks familar...
LOL, i already starting abit through magustale, but i have 2 to deal with.

hmm, google my title and you shall see
lol, i liked the whirlpool produced series
thought of adding suzukaze no melt, but i have to put that on hold
whirlpool games are good for starters since their games are easy to understand and has good art. Their titles nv get to top rankings though since they kinda always lack something. Well, at least they dun have mindfucking plot !!

@coro - yea, there are a lot of EXTREME FETISH .
@coro, like which? :th_117_:

never really heard anyone said elf fetishes for magustale though.
@ anti - how many and good luck on finishing XD

@terumi - whirlpool has a fetish for elf, neko, inu, kitsune and other mystical creatures XD.
hmm i am well aware of the inu, neko and elf.
but as far as i know, magustale doesnt have any? hmm shall play further to find out
i rmb my fren showing pic long time ago.... i didnt play it XD
She is Mu-12(Noel Vermillion) from BlazBlue Continuum Shift.
Bye guys, going to sleep already
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