[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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Don't hesitate in something you want to do. Well, unless it's something as outrageous as raging past a loving couple and ruining their perfect date. Yeah...
@Frank be sure to clean up when you're done ^^
ohayo teru

i'm not sure what exactly do you mean checky but i will. XD

hmm i have this equation stuck in my head. does someone know how to solve it?
Girl + poor physical condition + periodic cycles = ?
i'm not sure what exactly do you mean checky but i will. XD

Cleaning up some mess as a result of enjoying a VN, you know ^^
Girl + poor physical condition + periodic cycles = ?

????? I don't get this, really
hey frank!
hows your day? give me a heads up when your FA patch is done alright, will put off playing it till then. THANKS!~
hai teru

it's hard to focus when there are many things to be done lol. anyway off to breakfast!
enjoy your breakfast dude~

will be waiting your patch ^^
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Hey Shinxii, haven't see you around before so nice to meet you ^^

Hey there Nemuru, long time no see xP
What are you talking about xD

O_____o Teh Iggy xDD

it's Premenstrual syndrome^^ Google know all :P
*pokes lpw*

Back frm finishing a route in VN. ;_;
I have no idea xDD
Something to do with having emotional or physical symptoms along with the usual stuff that comes with a menstrual cycle.
And hey Kou^^
Yep, lots of stuff happening all at once and on top of that there's uni and exams >.>
And I have to leave now D:
Hope to see you guys later^^ have a nice day :P
Bye Joe...

I guess i will leave it to Nemuru to explain it.........
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