[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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Good, good. Just overwhelmed by the amount of community service hours I have to do for my whole high school years :<

And how'd I get 4 bad endings in the first 65 minutes of Soul Link already?!!

Ah! Puni Puni~!
^ LOL this is exactly what I did to my friend during 6th period.
@Kou: Lol yeah, I still can't understand Japanese :X

@Nemu: Hey~ What's up :P

@Myself: YES, Gimme overdrive!
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bleh it is so easy to achieve overdrive nowadays.....

@frank - SKIP SCH !
Hello Lock~
Hello Frank~

All the second gen spammers getting overdrive >_>
Hey Nemuru, are you avoiding oniichan >.>
@nemuru - they get overdrive easy cause we dont spam too much nowadays =P
@Onii: Hmm? Did i? o_o

@Frank: I guess you're the first-second gen XD

@Lock: Nothing will happen >_>

@Kou: Yeah~ lazy to spam already ._.
Is that a new cult? =P

@Nemu: To be honest, I'm getting tired of spamming near-pointless things too ~.~
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Checkmatism cult?? That is scary ....

After reach overdrive , all become lazy to spam anymore :)
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