[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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My activity is also constantly over 90 %.

@nemuru - nope, are you 1 of the targets of the cult?

anyway hws ur backlogs of anime going?
What is nooooo? >_>
Means you're part of it?!

Erm 50% done i guess :p
What's kou doing now? ^^
*consistent facekeyboardslam*

9th bad ending in Soul Link in 2 days >____>
I must really be careless Dx
This calls for a cult.
@nemuru - i am not part of checkmatism ... :064:. Nothing going out in a few mins XD

@shadow - use a walkthrough !
If the game choices become too troublesome and distort the fun , i guess its better to use a walkthrough. Long choices and branching just drag the game endlessly IMHO

@nemuru - yes..... actually i was......................listening to song.
@Kou: That is completely true, but so far it's just funny and humiliating to be failing at this game right now lol
@frank - Ask nemuru XD

Time to go. be back in a few hours. Bye bye guys~
@Nemuru nah, I'm not avoiding my imouto~, I'm working atm... >.>
sayonara shadow & Kou

@nemur: somehow i have a feeling that that isn't it. o.o;

breakfast brb in ten minutes~
@Onii: >_> then how could you say that I'm avoiding you?!

@Frank: Then what is it? O_O
@Nemuru Oniichan had been calling out to you in the shoutbox but you didn't reply to Oniichan even once >.>
@Locke: Oh, just wait until you come to the second part where you can choose the rooms to go to - 20 choices and you only find out if you did it right right at the end. :P
Yeah, it took me a few days to get through Soul Link; blessed be the skip read parts and autosave functions. :P
At least i know now that its cause we changed the the ISP and connection (or whatever)

Hi there guys ^^
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