[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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weather's depressing here. D= it's freezing and foggy. i can't survive with my heater off.
Rain is good~
If it's freezing there, then i might not have survived >_>
we changed to DSL here and for some reason now i can't connect to SH anymore -_____-

Why must it be SH damit !!
hmm hmm try google for some proxy servers that let you type in an address to surf the web. for example:
just type sakurahana.com and you're free. use it at your own risk tho. =P
i don't really recommend this tho. just temporary solution.

=P the best solution is to go complain to your new ISP and keep bugging them to fix it.

Ny-Nyan~! Unyaa~!
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