[LPW#2] Yay for Cocona ^^ Down the road we go~

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Or you just gender bend XD

@Teru: oh yeah! Tmr sch hol >_>
lol, yeah true, but i do make it a point to play them.
*still anticipates requested games*
Vietnamese Idol? Dare?

@Kou, I'm *NOT* into whatever trap.
@BC: Hmm.. so you're half half? XD

@Onii-chan: Hmm hmm... now onii-chan's taste have changed~
LOL~ at gender change.
BC, maybe you shouldnt have changed it
It should be quite hard to go back once you change your gender...especially if you went from boy to girl xD
Nothing is impossible in the internet sekai !!!!!!!
hmm, vietnam you said?
as an asian, i have to disagree. >.<
Funny thing though. For me being Vietnamese, I don't know, or actually care about the idol, or whatever happened here

And then, since I don't see her being cute anywhere, so I'm glad that I don't know~ nyaa~

Idol is doom, and game keep getting better and better~ :3
Gender bend!
Then BC becomes a guy again~

Onii-chan, you wanna change your gender too? XD
@Terumi Well, you can say that, I live here and Canada.

@Nemuru: Defintely NO NO NO, I don't want to make juice :p
@BC: That was that and this is this!

@Onii-chan: You should! Then you will understand how those poor little girls feel..
hmm, so you stay in two different places? thats sweet.
me in singapore, too small a dot in the world map
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