[LPW #20] Oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!

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It's all just practice and dedication. No magic skashizims and whatnots. ^^
Everyone starts out sluggish in the begining of course so I'm sure everybody can also get good with something if they really wanted to.
Don't forget me, Anti, King and Kami. I am the king of "spam" at another forum.
My other accounts at the other forums are pretty much dead now. XD
The only ones aside from ASF that I've been active until now is dA and two other ones. I used to be present simultaneously in 13 different forums before but I got busy. :XD:
The other forums i have accounts on are because they dont let me do stuff if i dont have an account =.= I joined ASF so i could thank people for the uploads and stuff :3
I see... We're almost the same then XD
I registered here to at least show my appreciation for everything and contribute in some other way.
I'm on ASF because one night I was bored. So yeah.

My other frequent forum is my first forum, back in '09. My VERY FIRST was in '07, Yugioh Card Maker. Still exists, I think. Wow, it still does.

Anyway, yuuup. Hi LPW.
Well you are already contributing since you joined. The same with the regular and casual chatters. You guys keep this forum alive and kicking XD
I get more emails from A-S than I do from random colleges...I've actually hit 9% usage on gmail.
Well, gotta go out again for a while.
I just went online to deliver king's spoils XD

If anyone here also wants one, you guys can just VM or PM me about it. Ja.
Random colleges were trying to get me to go but mehs =.= already in college...
Oh my medaka-chan~
Why are you so awesome in the manga!?!?!

Animu, please live up to our expectations please! I hope for a better episode 2!
Even King isn't sure whether the anime could be as good as the manga...the manga have so much in place already, so the feeling of manga being way better than the anime is normal I guess.

Anyway, morning LPW :3
even if the manga is better, the anime is still good enough to watch :bored:
...well, better than other stuff i watched anyways X9
Hey Kami-sama :3

And Shiki, I didn't say the anime isn't great, I just said its normal to feel that anime is not as great as manga due to the manga have been running for a long time already xD
I wouldnt say Medaka animu was all bad.
Just that manga was way better in the first few chapters.
Kou commented that GAINAX aint good for adaptations too, I can see why now.

And hi AC.
Only finished 2 routes in Dracu-riot and feel like playing another game now...
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