[LPW #20] Oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!

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Only finished 2 routes in Dracu-riot and feel like playing another game now...

At least you cleared them in lesser time than me....
I now cleared 3 routes and 2 AS only till now. Probably gonna stop tonight too....


@blue, not really. Just some random ramblings. F/Z S2 later...
That new OP by Kalafina is great.
Maa, I'll probably be able to finish the game today after some shopping with imoutos and waifu.
Always being negative.

Just stating facts. Have 2 routes and 3 more AS to go.
Given my 'excellent time management and procastination skills', its gonna take another week, probably.
Lol, time management is one of my skills. xD
Always find some time to do something else beside work.
Whole day free tomorrow...
Counting down to probably another 3-4 hours tonight though...

Time management? Pfft, never failed to procastinate.

I, one the other hand, prefer to get everything out of my way asap to have more free time.
*having signs of sore throat.. AGAIN*

Damn this sucks...
Umm.... what is everyone talking about? Umm.... oh... I hope you get well... umm... drink something warm?
Might check my backlog later on...
I feel an all day shopping.....
you guys are lucky...i bet i am the slowest one of everyone here...still playing the old AVGs and still have a lot more in queue T.T
Lol, I have lots of PS3, x360 and psp games that I've bought that are still in their original packages. XDDD
I bought them yet still haven't find the time to play them. D:

I know that feeling too. Damn hyped before buying, when bought, it sits there in the corner with original warping.

If its vns you want, then mb or & should do good.
might be because i spend more time on my other ps3 and pc games than on vn~
wait for diablo III...looks good :D
and as stated above "&" looks good as well~
Maa~ King have too little time thanks to all the science coursework he need to write xD
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