[LPW #20] Oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!

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Good for you then, way to show to show your support, good job.
I had an offer to buy the BDs too, but passed anyway. Coolio and Zero was there too.

I answered questions about importing dvd/blu ray in another thread already, so I wont go any further.
I dont anything of anime collections to be proud of.
Just another lousy watcher who cant show support.
Maa, King will show his support as long as he can afford it during the time of release :3
I dont anything of anime collections to be proud of.
Just another lousy watcher who cant show support.

Same here... =_="
The least that I can do is make art related to my faves like signatures and tagwalls I guess...
Actually, this reminded me, I need to pre-order my 4th Limited Edition Saber Figure ¬_¬ Keep forgetting it xD
LPW will probably end when I wake up tomorrow.
Hmm... Speaking of figurines, there was this Saber Alter Figma that I saw in a hobby shop near our place.
I just didn't have the money or can't afford allocating my allowance/budget to it during those times so I have to let it go and now it's gone. T_T
cant decide between buriki and kantoku in the sotm-or-whatever-poll xD
am a big fanboy :lmao:
So you'll base your votes on the character and nothing else? Fanboy indeed XD
Yes we're all fanboys I guess...
But I learned something "useful" here.. Ahahahaha!!! XD
Well, everyone knows about King having to by default vote for Seiba, why do you think I'm the Official ASF Seiba-con?
i am reflecting on myself...gonna think about my decision, but am still unconsciously influenced by the character :lmao:
the theme is summer, so maybe ill consider that aspect as well~
But I still have no idea on what to make or do for the next SOTM. "Party Party" was the theme. This would be tough I guess... Maybe I'll drop that one specially if I get no rain this week XD

I'll wait for a freestyle or a much more flexible theme.
Or, I'll wait for the other contestants entries first. If I see the stalwarts joining then I guess I'll try XD
Mm...fair enough, is good to see what other people is doing first and maybe improve on those
theme reminded me of "adult parties" etc (since i watched that gintama ep :D)
do something with nice suits and dresses...a banquette xD
....or just some random lets have fun stuff...
When it comes to competitions like SOTMs, I really wait for at least five 3-5 people to submit their work first. In that way, I can guage the difficulty of the competition and necessary techniques that I'll need. But I've seen a lot of other intermediate gfx-ers and a few good ones too come out of nowhere and join here recently....

Well, I gotta go out for a bit again. Ja.
New Avatar goes well with Ein's signature, now King will have a Seiba set again :3
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