Umm... i... it's umm.... quite something isn't it... oh, umm I.. I didn't mean it in a bad way though....
But... I don't think I can participate in it... umm... I don't think I would be able to be the judge either.... so... umm... I'm sorry.... but.. umm.... good luck in that...
Its funny cause from what I've heard the rain forest is disappearing...and chopsticks got something to do with it, mankind got such great humor. It'll be fun when we look back....remember 500 years ago when we destroyed the rainforest...umh no not exactly, why did we....Oh we made sticks of it.
Also when ever I use them, I somehow always get problems with getting the sauce....tricky
I have some exams so I'll be off till mid January, sorry for not answering or not being active right now. I'm not dead, just busy^^ See you all later in January and Happy New Year everyone! PS : I got a few new things to upload, look forward to it^^ (Anime, Games, Books)