[LPW 22] Keep your Purity!! Down with the ecchi emperor~

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haha guilty....penalty is umh,,....being owned by ME. But don't worry, I'll take good care of you, remember Reimu does everything in love.
All those evil people say they do stuff for others too :runaway: ex its going to hurt me much more than itll hurt you aka you would probably be dead before you feel much if this goes wrong :/
Yay! Love! :runhappy:

:shopping: oh no dont get started you know I'ma a sucker for that.... LOVE !!!

Don't ever leave me

All those evil people say they do stuff for others too :runaway: ex its going to hurt me much more than itll hurt you aka you would probably be dead before you feel much if this goes wrong :/

Huh what goes wrong, what ppl, Maybe I'm just slow or its the Sake I'm sipping on, good thing there's no karaoke bar near, or ppl would def start to bleed....from their ears!
:shopping: oh no dont get started you know I'ma a sucker for that.... LOVE !!!

Don't ever leave me

Huh what goes wrong, what ppl, Maybe I'm just slow or its the Sake I'm sipping on, good thing there's no karaoke bar near, or ppl would def start to bleed....from their ears!

Can't catch me~ :runhappy::runhappy::runhappy::runhappy::runhappy:

Hi Anima~ Eh... it kept the thread going... so eh~
what the.... the convo is kinda.... :scared:
Convo ?? Ahhh conversation I got it yeay. what could possibly be wrong with chopsticks and LOVE!

Can't catch me~ :runhappy::runhappy::runhappy::runhappy::runhappy:

Hi Anima~ Eh... it kept the thread going... so eh~

:whipmaster::rudolph: We will def SEE ABOUT THAT

Edit[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]: hey is that a pervobear badge, And you thought this was weird...you should be helping me chasing,...
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I'm outta here (for now).
Guess its finally time to leave LPW to another group.
d(^_^)b I hope so, did you like it ? The music...

@ take care then Terumi, until we meet again.
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[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION] Yes. You're very heart-warming, cheerful, and playful while caring for others as well.

See you now... Terumi is... well, he's a cool guy.

Anima is also a good guy.

So take care and get along with them... I think.
Thanks Ren, thats very kind, I don't know what I am, but thats certainly very heart warming too hear. Makes me a bit mute...

And I've never doubted they are for a second :) Maybe they just need some time to accept Reimu's love to permeate into their hearts
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I agree with renano, GenKiDan. Even though I haven't spoken to you yet, but from what I saw, you're an amazing person :3
I agree with renano, GenKiDan. Even though I haven't spoken to you yet, but from what I saw, you're an amazing person :3
This,...and all the above....what can I say ?! Its at times like this one can just be everly grateful for the inventions of emotes. And I was already mute from before.
:blushing:50%>:fullblush:75%>:nosebleed:90%> You guys are killing me.....but thanks
Wow so much heart moving compliments... :x
I know right ! I was just innocently spreading some love and now its turned back on me with an appetite, eating me from the inside out #_#
No I am not. I am the weakest fellow around, seriously.
Me is a complete hetare.
But thats why its so great to not be alone right, and welcome back, it didn't take you so long, you never have to leave lpw to anyone ;j. And if you really are a hetare, doesn't mean you can't be a cool one.
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Umm... I wonder what is everyone talking about... but... this kind of things are.... umm.... kind of interesting....
Indeed they are :) But GenkiDan is a very sensitive/lovable person i guess
Umm... I wonder what is everyone talking about... but... this kind of things are.... umm.... kind of interesting....
Realization of today I guess is that anything can actually come up in lpw, oh and hi there Franela. Its also interesting that you find it interesting.
Indeed they are :) But GenkiDan is a very sensitive/lovable person i guess
Hussssshhh Your the sensitive one, says so in your profile, and you made my Norwegian salmon Swedish earlier today...
For those who don't know Swe sounds like burnt in Norwegian, and Dish, well thats a dish, so basically that means BurntDish.
Thats how my fine Norwegian salmon became Swedish....That has got to be my best line yet!
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Ahhahah.... Im really moved by your fishy words! xD
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