[LPW 22] Keep your Purity!! Down with the ecchi emperor~

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Go rest.

And I really need to sort these rubbish out... Damn...
Ah, if you're feeling poorly, is best to sleep, no matter whether is late or not, having a headache is one of the later sign of body not being able to sustain function while you're awake, your body want you to sleep so he can "fight" the virus (I'm assuming you're ill)
I will exit too.

Not gonna sit here and think of these stupid things...
read through the last ten pages...WOW...
[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION] "leaving this lpw to a new group" ... you sound like an old man. dont be like that xD
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] congrats on your awesome knife^^
...didnt see this thread being overrun with love convos...really didnt :goodtea:
:P I'm not gonna say anything, besides it's been to many hours today, and that I'm making supper and preparing to go too bed soon.
i am scared :scared:
the judge is watching his pawns...not that i am one of those xD
saber knife...i want one, too~
I love it, but I would prefer the size to be slightly bigger ;3 Oh well, at least I've this one! :3
who would be scared of you??? :fag:
talkin about check-chan here~
you are more of a cute little puppy one cant resist to pat
*patting hidekis head

well, googled it. may seem a little bit small. that is true, but i just love the design~
Oh, Checkmate knows what i do in IRC... that´s why i am so horrible... hue hue hue :traitor:
have the feeling that IRC is crazier than anything here~
cant join convos xD
[MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION], your feeling better, it passed after some rest? Also funny thing, wheren't you 19 years old earlier today......Did you just get 1 year younger all of a sudden....Never heard of a reversed birthday before. Or maybe this just means I really am getting ripe for bed.

[MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] Irc is.....hmm a lot of slapping, and some trouting, so yeah, I guess it is.
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oh, yeah...you had a headache today. was 18 the whole time...seems like its time for bed! :goodtea:
Im 18... and ive allways been 18 o.o
oh it passed when i lowered my temp in the room from 27 c to 20
guess im sensitve to heat
good that you are feeling better. you are my possession after all~
kacta is too embarrassed to post?
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