[LPW#28] i want an imouto/onee...

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[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] that makes him more moe!!! how i love TRAPS!!!!
i shall approve as well :XD: and lol @ traps~

/me brings some disorder into this thread
/me hugs Crona... D:

/me hides Crona

Isn't Crona deemed ambiguous... for now?
i think im going to take a shower and leave for work again, i'll see you gays in a few hours now!
See you again, Anima~

Take care~

/me hands Anima a Crona plush

Crona is referenced as a 'he' to make things easier I guess. Would be mundane to type or to say 'Chrona' often.
why you care so much about random complaining (pirate)user? just ignore. uploading is hard work, and all of us(pirates) appreciate your work.
why you care so much about random complaining (pirate)user? just ignore. uploading is hard work, and all of us(pirates) appreciate your work.

what i can't accept is that he tainted my beautiful and clean thread! :donefor: the thread was supposed for my post only!
I just had to right click>save that pic...

Hey Decal, the hammer that you're thinking of is called a pikohan/piko hammer/pow hammer. =]
/me feeds her dear Crona

Tainted... Such a thing just screams injustice~
i just realized something... dang you gays already past my post count!!!

As the Pharaoh from Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged movie would say "All of the homo!"
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] : I could use a Hollywood script now. (Headache)
I want some coffee with half hot chocolate inside.

[MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION] I don't even know anymore. They were doing so good, but still lost in the end.
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