Hmm... I was working till 3am last night o.O
And before I got home, it was already 4:30am so not much happen.
But today, we are free to do anything we want xD
Oh and there is some new release that I need to upload it seems xD
@Coro, hmm... I always spend some time chatting. As far for uploading, I during the weekend, specially on sunday, I only try to find new stuff to upload.
Yet, like I said, I won't be here for long either.
rephrase that question:
You're free to do whatever you want with you Fiancée and you're spending time chatting and finding new stuff to upload - now that is interesting.
AC answers:
Well, I will be leaving (and do something) soon
Aw shucks, the nostalgia. I remember that after lurking for a while, I finally decide to make this account. Too bad I forgot the damn password. I should really note them down somewhere.
This account I'm currently typing with, had to be my 4th one. Totally forgot the name of my first one. It was made only for lurking, because I was still paranoid of this site back then.