LPW [3] So the official Saber-con wins LPW [2]...let's make LPW [3]!!!!!!!!!!! EXCALIBURRRRRR....XD

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A trip with a cute girl will turn any hell into heaven, provided if the cute girl is falling for you.
Translation: I'm going on a trip with a cute girl and will be sharing the same room with her. By the way, there's been lots of juice and cream flying between us.
ii ne~ you have Fiancée to juice and iro iro te. We don't >.<
Translation: I got one, but don't call her that yet. ;)
@ coro - i got it frm here on my hardrive already. I was just surprised by my mom asking for Ika episode 2 when she just keep associating anime with childish cartoon lol. I was like LOL WUT?
hi everyone.

sorry i didn't come yesterday. i just lost a pet so i wasn't in the mood to do anything.
a fish. tho i don't know how to check a fish's gender, she died.

i lost one a few years ago too. now there are 13 left.
I was never so good with fish... especially small one, they keep dying on me even I feed them properly and check the water as well as oxygen supply regularly
*walks into lpw*
sup guys

*demands a sword and slices tachibana junichi's head off in amagami*
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My imouto is playing cute these days, really cute, like those in typical (non tsundere) 2D ones.

Sigh, I know it was a bad idea to let her on the staff shoutbox and let corocoro, Ignis, Zero2DS, corrupt he. Later she bombarded me with questions like "What is Imoucon?" and "What is Juice?" apart from calling me "Onii-chan~" or "Nii-san~"
lol, check. good for you, but definitely not good for your imouto

btw, random question though, has anyone tried this website called ifile? apparently, no download limits whatsoever, but the speed of the website was pretty good till one month ago.
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Never heard of it either. Also keep in mind that Checkmate is the ultimate corrupter, all corruption started with him and is ultimately traceable to his influence. I'm just an innocent bystander that he tries to drag into the maelstrom of eroge.
Hi everyone~ ^^

@Terumi, true that iFile do not have limited download. Here are something I get from there:

* Resumable downloads!
* Download accelerators are allowed.
* No daily / hourly download limitations.
* We do not block users by country or ip.
* Split archives are allowed! (and encouraged)
* No waiting for a download to start (no timers, countdowns etc)
* Our users dont have to install anything to download their files (no toolbars, spyware etc)
loled at coro's statement..

*opens anti-corruption shield*
I'm not corrupting anyone, that's false information.

On another note, why imouto is sooo cute
Hmm..... am i the only 1 who find the apron the male wear cute only?

just look at the dango and < w < face.
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