LPW [3] So the official Saber-con wins LPW [2]...let's make LPW [3]!!!!!!!!!!! EXCALIBURRRRRR....XD

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Umm... a game without music is fine to <<<< NOOOO MUSIC IS BAAAADDD for me. Simply because no music no atmosphere. It still depends on the soundtrack is good or not.
Well I have the music OST. I could listen to the music when I'm done with the game.

Hi anti ^^
Hello Anti

@Cocona - imagine this soundtrack missing during dramatic event in Ef

Hmm... may be for nukiges, soundtrack isn't important. But for scenario driven eroges, soundtrack is the soul of the game especially for 燃え action genre.
Mo~ but having to do all of that to get one thing to work is... ;_; (sue me for being lazy here)

I'll try to make it work. Though I wish their was a faster way of doing it.
Lol... a lawyer... they are just damn expensive...

Hmm... enough lurking... I still have one more exam to do this afternoon and after that, its work.

Have a nice day guys~
Uwaaah ... i see u are very busy Anti... bye bye ~ Good luck in exams.
It's a fix that can be done in a minute or two, so stop complaining and get to it. :P
2chan rage is slowly building.... in b4 shitstorm.
@Coro Umm... what letter should I change it to? >_> I don't see kana in the software in the HIKEY CU >_>

lol if only I knew enough Japanese to even find the thread about it xD
D would be best. And you also have to look for the company name - Kana is likely a level below that.
Eeto... I can't use D. It doesn't show up. Probably because it's being used by my factory image.
Umm... will my image still work if I do? >_>
Time to slp , oyasumi..

Good luck with your imouto ge Coco~
You're supposed to make it the first optical drive, not muck about with the HDs. :rolleyes:
lol umm OK. Hehe... umm I got it thanks ^^.

Anybody know if somebody translated Kaigen Seito? It's looks good...
edit: nvm they didn't...
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