[LPW #30] Numbers go lucky

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Warm? So I'm a guinea pig or bunny or something now? :XD:

Wait... That doesn't sound right either... XD
How come? You're doing just fine. XD
Talking about ways to pet someone~

That shall be the conversation for now Nero~

You're very warm Ein. Not just from the outside, but from the inside. Warm and fuzzy feelings~

Other people... sounds a bit similar to one of the girls you mentioned before.
Ways to pet someone...

I always liked it when my ex-girlfriend scratched my head :3
Hmm did we have a conversation about her... i wonder... might have talked about her situation before...
I'd rather not get too much of this "fuzziness" though. It kinda impedes in my mental performance and thought processes. XD
Just a brief chat about a certain girl you mentioned in a VM. Nothing more nor less.

Scratching your head. Sounds pleasant and enjoyable~

Some people have certain areas they like more like the chin or cheek. Gives off more warm and fuzzy feelings~

/me lightly pets Ein and lets him off his merry way
Specialized Ein Dakimakura for a limited time only.

Please order now while supplies last.
That wouldn't be a very wise idea 'cause I do not have a very buff or macho or chubby body. I'm kinda lean so making me a body pillow is a no go... XD
That's fine. Most of the characters on body pillows don't exactly fit either.
S-s-so the p-production of my body pillows will continue?!? :reallydespaired: :ohnoes: :spiraldown:
It shall continue~ ^^

Ero Is Negotiable = EIN

M-m-mother of---
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