[LPW #30] Numbers go lucky

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Never thought my handle would have many meanings. XD
What I got over the course of last night were:
-Card games~
-Ein body pillow
-Places people like to get touched
-People and their girls~
-Rennie petting everyone one.

Though I wish to say good morning. It as already become afternoon for me.

Good afternoon everyone and LPW~


Now to make like a tree and leave for a bit nyaa~
A tree?? Wait... Nooooooo... They already have my body peeehhloooww!!!
Well whatever. See ya gwee.

/me glomps Ein

Good-bye AG~

Haven't heard that one for a long time. Make like a tree and leave.
Lol well goodnightys~ Ill be sleeping... hoping this 15 min gets me to sleep before the sun gets here~
I haven't been glomped by someone before. At least not in real life. XD
Well maybe I was but I can't remember.
Hmm i dont think too much people glomp irl... and guys dont quite hug each other all that much xD
No no no no no... That just looks awkward. Although girls glomping boys and vice versa looks kinda nice but guys glomping each other..... No thanks.
Well, gotta go again folks. It was fun talking with everyone again.

And guys glomping each other is still so BL.... Which is
/me randomly passes by~

boys glomping each other...now that is a very yummy thought :nosebleed:


goshujin-sama~ i did miss quite a lot while i was gone. i was quite hoity-toity while reading those posts. :romeo:

it's very kind of you to remember how much i like hearing of your experiences. though i'm quite sad that my master will be gone for 14 days. you should go to a computer cafe or something if you really don't want to buy any stuff.
Guys do hug each other. Manly hugs. We usually give a hug when we haven't seen a person we know in a very long time. It's one of the greetings me and my friends do.

The other being one where you greet each other with a firm handshake (usually the right hand), shift the right elbow roughly 90 degrees, lean forward while getting the left hand ready and have the head over the other's shoulder before we proceed to patting each other on the back a few times. There's usually an exchange of "You all right?" and "I'm good/good good" or "Long time no see! Where have you been?" and "It has been long hasn't it? I've been here and there. Uni and all etc etc."
Somewhere between the 'It has been long' part, someone will try sneak in a 'That's what she said!'

Yeah, man hugs.
^that, but only from time to time. its usually just a handshake and a "yo, hows it going?" from me :XD
yeah, sure, ralium :goodtea:

mornin', king. hows it going?

and yeah. everyone should know about manly hugs~

Good afternoon Arturia-ou. :goodtea:

It's also about knowing the process of a manly hug too =]
hey king~

but i still prefer the idea of hugs between men that leads to... :desire:
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