[LPW #33] Approaching the Light

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dont underestimate the balcony! it already is new terrain!! :objection:
afternoon, frank. can i help you with planning your plans?
Shiki I'm still lost. This will be my best plan ever and I'm still planning how to plan it. Any plan on how to plan planning it?
mmh.. i see that you are in a little bind.. but i cant cannot plan how to plan planning it for you. instead we should plan together how to plan on planning the best plan ever. dont you agree?
This will be the most epic plan to plan on planning the best plan ever ever. Our names will be recorded in the history of planning plans. ^^
Definitely! We will be known as the most skilled planners of the most epic plan to plan on planning the best plan ever ever and ever. :3

I knew that we'd make a good team of planners!
In case someone plans to jeopardize our planning to plan plan, we must plan to plan how to jeopardize their planning to jeopardize us first. Any good plans to jeopardize their plan to jeopardize?

EDIT: *go mental*
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Good evening, Europe LPW-tachi!

Good afternoon to everyone else~

i am too lazy to think about a plan on how to jeopardize those imbeciles that try to jeopardize our planning of the plan for the most epic plan.
Shiki this is disgraceful! =( Anyway, none shall stop my planning to plan the most epic plan ever!

/me commences plan to plan planning the most epic plan.
No idea Frank. Though I usually just find that most people in the LPW thread are either way ahead of me in time zones or are behind me but enough to be in the afternoon.

I wish to hear of your epiché plan~ :goodtea:

Anyway we're in the same zone~

Quay This is the most epic plan I have ever thought of. You'll see that this epic plan is so epic that you'll be awed by its epicly epic epicness. ^^
By all means, please do so then =]

It wouldn't delay your epic plan any sooner would it? OwO

I just learnt that "Going Commando" means no pantsu from Ben-To xD lol learning everyday Xd
Hahah, I vaguely remember that from Ben-To. It's a nice anime to watch once in a while but they could have worked on the story in my opinion. :goodtea:
Saa, Ben-To gave me a great idea for my novel, I'm going to now have Half Price Ben-To, but free lunch for people to grab, available everyday before the Tendo Bai Di Academy finishes class during the evening, will be good training for people ;)
It does seem like something good for training, but some are left with bodies aching in pain afterwards~ :goodtea:
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