[LPW #33] Approaching the Light

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Meh, King survived a year and a bit without you guys in the forum, its not like it'll make a difference if you guys disappeared for a couple of weeks xD

Gwee: I do hope I enjoy the movie, I love the Dark Knight, I hope this won't disappoint me :3

I'll be back in a bit as I look for something to eat~

that reminds me...is olympic already starts there gwee?...you live in london right?
oops my bad seiba-san:3.....too much spending time in AS i forgot browsing for another stuff:dispirited:
There's always Google to help you out Nawi xD

I'm gonna go now, see you guys later on tonight ;)
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yes......hmmm....maybe i should go too.....Bye..seiba-san..everyone:bye:
/me glomps back :3
Frank is the abductor!! >:o
Salutes for anti.. :goodtea:
Hmm.. guess next month will be busy days for work :/
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