[LPW #34] Spam Heaven!

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Hmm im trying to keep decent grades and the textbooks didnt bore me as much as they couldve :/
Hmm well it depends but i can find some interest in them... if theyre written somewhat entertainingly...
Hmm well i was quite a book worm before though i havent been to the library in quite a while :/
I'm an uber bookworm....but I play my psp in class except for math and history.
lol i wish i had a psp i sleep or play on my phone/text people durring the class's i hate
I doodle during classes that i dont need to take notes in... and classes that i need to take notes in too xD
I'm always listening in my history class. My teacher is super awesome!

Final post for the day. Oyasumi.
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Morning everyone~

Guh...I feel weird/sick after staying awake for 36 hours D:

Likewise, :runhappy:
Found out i was going on a trip tmr... today... and theyre making me drive :x Havent driven for quite a while...
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