[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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Oh that's more recent than I thought lol.

<- (Hates traveling for fear of flying)
I usually tag along with my parents.
I take my DSi with me in case I get bored :3
I think it's fun to travel with friends, instead of family. Others may disagree though.
Never traveled with friends before so idk :/

Hellos fire~

I have a sketch pad if im bored :3
I agree with you Deca :3
In front of your parents..I sort of have to behave :3
With friends, no one really cares ^^
@ Fire Damn Oliver sauce.

@ Samkaka You're going to travel with renano, Gwee and I soon, right? c:

@ unown Yes, which makes having fun sort of pointless in the end.
Hmm soon... that probably wont happen... not the soon part anyway :/ Thatll be hard...
Alota people dont take trolling kindly :fag: but thats what makes it all the more worth it
Hello guys. How's it going?

I wonder if weather affects what happens in my dreams or if my eyes gather light while I'm sleeping. It was raining in my dreams and when I woke up, it was raining too~ There are times when it's always night in my dreams...

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