[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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I just started watching a few minutes ago, but there is a new Olympic record for Women's marathon.
Hellos Frank. Let out all your mental desires here~

/me gives mental Frank a glomp regardless~

I feel empty and don't know what to do at the moment. I figure I should just go mental.

Hi Quay. =) =(
Hello Check.

Hmm, loneliness isn't something I can really give advice for since I'm not the lonely type of person, but if I ever felt lonely, I'd just call up friends and talk to them :goodtea:

Would talking to us help? O_o

*ehehe* Vanilla. =]
Ahh, my apologies. I misread 'Empty' for 'Lonely'.

Mmm, Check is never lonely from what I know~ :goodtea:
Hmm yes he always play nukige with his best friend, and do things I don't know in detail. Not to mention the rori he keeps chained in his closet. ^^

[MENTION=30111]firedmn[/MENTION]: I might, but I prioritize the vanilla moments in a game. ^^
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A nukige just doesn't seem fun from what I've just read on it's definition =[
i prefer vanilla games as well but after a while you wana try something different~ hell im still playing snow sakura
Yeah, he did. :goodtea:

Think I'll go play some League of Legends. It's been more than 3 months and my friends here are insisting we may as well play since we have 4 systems in one room at the moment~ :goodtea:

Ciao guys~ :runhappy:
wb Genjo! I guess we're pretty alive and not dead.

You could play some nukige instead Quay. Bye. ^^

I have a hunch someone among us doesn't appreciate vanilla. D= /me throw vanilla at everyone
Oh Federer is being destroyed. O.O

[MENTION=30111]firedmn[/MENTION]: I think Snow Sakura is a good example of vanilla, though generic. But we play vanilla for vanilla, not un-genericness. ^^

Hi unown!
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