[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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im peeling the skin off of the bottom of my foot does the thought of that make ur food taste better or worse?
Hello Frank... Good choice for breakfast. :3

Hope you're feeling better.

Hello to you as well, ogi~

Doesn't sound disgusting to me. ^^

/me is currently fixing up the entries for her contest
herro and it should its a real bad habit of mine i do it to my fingers too....the blood tastes nice tho...
@ Frank

It is 2:15 A.M. in the East Coast~

Banzai! Lots of drunk people fighting.

@ ogi

I also taste my own blood and sometimes of others... if possible. ^^

There are others who peel off their skin as well.

May you be well today~
what kind of gross topic have we wound ourselves up on seriously -.-.....well i guess im not the one to be talking since i started it >.>
Lol. We do gross or weird things from time to time.

Still, what is disgusting or unusual for others is actually not for those who do them or perceive it differently.

@ Nero

Good to see you again my sweet Nero~

Love your new avatar.

Not sure how long I'll be up, but I'll be here for awhile.
wow really? so the fact that i peel the skin of my fingers,toes the bottom of my feet and chew the inside of my gums is all natural to u guys?....well thinking on it now i never really found it to be a big deal either so im the same i guess
No thank you I don't feel like sampling a part of my body. ^^

East Coast? I have a house on the West Coast lol.

EDIT: Hi decal.
Yeah, a lot of people do that actually.

@ mademoiselle I'm tired, but I just wanted to say 'Hi' to the forum for a while until I go to bed.
Personally, I don't like the taste and the smell of blood, even my own.
It taste like zinc with a pinch of penny, if you know what I mean.
And the smell, oh boy, it always make my wanna throw up. Always.
I dunno how you ladies can endure it every month. I salute y'all.
If I was a girl, I guess I might be fainting every month.
Hm... didn't eat pennies, but I taste them. Lol~

@ Nero

Okay then~ Rest well when you do leave. ^^
Oliver sauce, Frank and alex.

@ mademoiselle Umu. I will surely rest well. Have fun on the forum c:
/me waves hello and glomps Alex

Might as well glomp someone to liven up the place. Lol~

Fried eggs sound good. Might make some later for my breakfast.
kk. Spam till you drop decal. ^^

I don't usually eat eggs though. I'm a veggie person. XD
I, umm, dislike vegetables. I'll eat it every now and then, but I always move them off to the side if I do not feel like eating them.
Probably why I side with AhGwee since he eats his veggies. I like my greens and whatnot. xD

Sam, Shiki, and Nero... and their vegetables. Lol~
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