[LPW#38] If you found out you've chosen a bad LPW title, what would you do?

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I think after this party tonight, I will just relax until next monday. xD
I haven't had the chance to set back and relax for quite a while already.
Intelligence is a key factor to surviving. No one possesses a decent amount of intellect these days.

intelligence or being "smart" is not exactly limited to one kind of thing. (head knowledge, skills, etc.)
Every human being is intelligent, but most people tend to define it as "common sense" or something like that.
A person who fails to understand math or a science, but is great in creativity does not mean he/she is not smart or not intelligent.

Similarly, a person who can play difficult games but doesn't have a great education doesn't mean he's not intelligent. It requires intelligence to do alot of things that only humans can do (such as games). As far as we know, animals do not have an imagination, which puts us in a different place than they. Pretty much anything on earth is "intelligent life" in wtv ways, but I suppose people would be at the top being considered as an intelligent species (for lack of better terms..)

All people are capable of doing many things~ It's kinda hard to put a label on any given person for a lack of something~ :goodtea:
If you look at a much more broad set of issues, you can't really blame a random person for not knowing what they should. You can thank political affairs in education for that one~

sooooo what's up ppl? :P
Argh, can't find any good anime case for Samsung Galaxy SIII, looks like I'm going for the iPhone 4S when it have tons of them (Including Seiba :3 :3)

Actually if anyone here knows there are some website with good cases, please recommend, as I'm still tear between SIII or 4S...and most likely depends on what cases I can get.
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Hello Everyone!!!!! how are you!! and what do you think....of these pic i found....

Lol, phone cases. I don't really use one so meh.
Im happy with my samsung SIII.
I don't mind between S3 or iPhone 4S, but if I want accessories, it seems like 4S win by a mile, including cases...
it looks nice mato~

I'm pretty tired after waking up 3 times last night x_x thanks to waking up too early yesterday..

I'm going to go soon :f I have to go shop for some clothes to wear at my sister's wedding~
Wedding.....QQ wedding....god why does remind me of today....
I don't really mind having cases or not. Not all that important to me. As for apple, I don't have anything from them so meh.
I don't either, but since I could find a Seiba cases for 4S and I can't find anything for SIII, its kinda disappointing when Japan doesn't seems to produce anything for Galaxy SIII in terms of anime when SIII is such a big hit...disappointed really...
ppl on irc upset that certain ppl in a game died X_X

/me will never understand the appeal of virtual girls...
*Mato will never understand the love to games on a simple phone...
xD Well dying is not nice whether is virtual or real as long as you're emotionally attached to that "person" xD Is very human
I can understand the attachment part... but as far as like.. actually wanting to be with them or something, or playing games like that all the time....
You can imagine what kind of thoughts would go through a girl's mind x_x especially if they're in a relationships with a person like that.

leaving now~ probably won't be back for 4+ hours??? XD
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Tonight at the nightclub. Its also one of my best friend's birthday today, so we'll have a great night.
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cocolia19 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello. Can you upload the video from Yuluer of 霊砂? Please
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on ramori's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.