[LPW#38] If you found out you've chosen a bad LPW title, what would you do?

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That is alot :o

I wouldn't have the space to do that~ and i think i don't care about lots of comiket stuff after I hear it XD

Most of the time i just like the name or cover, then just download~

hiyo unown~
Lol, I have some spare HDD so I wouldn't mind. After I download them, I just start listening one after the other and keep the track I like.
Maa, there is still more to download and I don't even know when I will be able to start listening to it all.
King - Im doing pretty fine. Except that the weekend had drained up my energy.
I read slow... and i can spend a couple minutes staring at the particularly detailed scenes... so i can take about an hour on a chapter x.x
Almost time for work again.
Time sure goes fast when you are doing so much thing at the same time...
i read chapters real fast ive read so many that if i took my time on each one i would go crazy >.>
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