[LPW#38] If you found out you've chosen a bad LPW title, what would you do?

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ok.. now I need a 40TB server to download everything X_X

btw, I have that air album~ I'm working on trying to find more, and release what I have if I can't find lossless.
1TB for air, 1TB for clannad, 1Tb for kanon, etc.

10TB (maybe) for.. other ppl x_x

and the others for backups~ lol
I'm not serious~ :goodtea: though I kinda wish I had that space someday~ even tho i sometimes hate dealing with hardware :P
I think the most I'd have is 4TB, though paying for school and long-term stuff should come first :f
the best thing I can do now is hope I can get another TB, or put backups on several accounts privately~
I know for sure that the one i have is going to die fast :f even tho I haven't had it for a year lol.
Hmm one? Storage thingy? Account?

Well school... will probably have more money afterwards xD
I relly hope soo~ I'm hoping I can have a solid job during grad school and not have to worry about anything~ I'm not sure when I'd decide to start a family and all that either~~~ but I hope it's soon :D

btw, didn't AS use a 40TB server???
Somewhat easier to earn money after uni or whatnot... hopefully :x Family should probably be after uni too... troublesome to have a child while still in uni...

No idea what AS uses xD
I'm invincible masrhmallow sheep~ :P

I have no idea what you're talking about x_x

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well I'll say hi later tomorrow :f maybe he LPW will be done like I guessed XD we still have around 300 posts to go :f
speaking of frank...i haven't seen him lately:/....didn't you say he's moving sam?
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cocolia19 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello. Can you upload the video from Yuluer of 霊砂? Please
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.