[LPW#41] Oneeeeeeeeeeee-chan and Imoooooooooooouto Powa-ssu!!!!!

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hey sam,

well home alone after some time, no bratty sister or annoying brother, a paradise
Daaaaaaaaaamn why doesnt Vegas Pro supports MKV, it barely supports avi too....
Havent tryed Adobe but Im kinda new in this and vegas is okey for me

any suggestion for mkv to wmv converter ?
Hey frankie,

I dont use my powers without a good reason, so what's the reason that u want him eliminated ?
He's a trolling pest. I want him eliminated before more damage is caused to the spam section. XD
So that's what happens when u become big in spam section, u just get eliminated? That's evil, Im on sam's side, which means we are unstopable now
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