[LPW#41] Oneeeeeeeeeeee-chan and Imoooooooooooouto Powa-ssu!!!!!

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hey Monjster is Gai Rei: Zero a good anime, I put it on my to watch list but I keep forgetting about it :lmao:
I dont know about others I but really like it, one of my favourites a must watch in my opinion although many dont like it

And heeey Kas
Speaking of watching, I have loads of stuff in my hard drive that unwatched and just sitting there. xD
I really dig those stories relatives/friends being together then fighting each other like Berserk or Gungrave
some minor spoiler:
Yeah like in Gungrave that emotion beetwen friends was awesome and then u know the rest lol and again on the end it was awesome
Completely at sea because I didn't watch any of those. xD

EDIT: Roses are just really pretty... :shinies:
I'm talking how the anime feel incomplete.... Got to read the manga to finish the story....

Read to many manga.... Don't know if I read that also....
:bye: sammy mhh i actualy just started reading manga with samurai drive and i am a hero never befor readed others i wnated to start with GITS but they are so freaking expensive ...
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