[LPW #42] Your Soul Is Mine [Akatsuki version)

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...Tte anta.... Ore ni iwanaide te nihongo no koto nara yamemashou, ne~

Domo samy-han~
Lol that would probably not get him to swim ;p Just let him splash around in the water and watch other swim :goodtea: Thatll work... or at least it did for meh~ Which was why my random swimming at the start was somewhat... non traditional? xD
and gets zoa out

Well its okey if u dont get it from the first time, we will try again soon, be careful
Lol, there is alot of osts out there that are good. As for the first ost in my mind is Fairy Tail OSTs why are pretty good.
My bro just asked me for us to start watching One Piece... Only thing he is watching is Naruto Shippuden... He is more picky than me. And I have no intention on starting a 400 eps aired alredy show......
Hmm wasnt saying that it was bad xD I just havent watched the anime yet... read some of the manga and whatnot and its decent~ The art is better than his previous manga anyhow xD

One Piece... i like it cuz its quite creative~ People say that each arc only gets better than the last~
One Piece is shounen right ? I hate shounen so that's another - in my book
Hmm fairy tail... i havent read in months either... havent read too much manga lately :/

Well shounen isnt all bad... sure theres manga that just rely on popularity now but that popularity had to come from somewhere ;p
hmm I should start writing a book instead of random quotes of this dream I keep having ^^

The Angel looked into the maidens eyes....they shone like a star lit night sky.....~
hmm I should start writing a book instead of random quotes of this dream I keep having ^^

The Angel looked into the maidens eyes....they shone like a star lit night sky.....~

U should add the truest quotes ever to that book:

"A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. "
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] mine kinda feel that way as well, they're like vague memories I'm trying to piece back together

The Angel is at peace....with his maiden by his side.......she asks him to give her but one wish~

[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] nice quote I like it ^^
Thanks, I spend like 10-15 mins everyday reading some quotes :D.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. ( this one is true for me atm)
Lol dreams... i had one... but considering how i just got out of a midterms and im going into one next... i dont expect to be remembering much after :/
soooo after talking about network stuff with my little brother, i decided to take out my old hard drive and see if it would work on my mac. When I tried booting, the system bios was in japanese and gave a quit blue flash XD soo I decided to re-install windows, but got impatient and canceled. I tried again to boot, then it said critical error with a few colorful blocks here and there~ it was pretty :P
sooo then i used my Lion disc to see if i could do anything to it, which took forever to load x_x annnd it couldn't do anything :P
soooo now I'm back with this hd again~ btw, the other hd didn't have the holders that it needs to be in a mac XD

was pointless, but interesting~ :goodtea:
It was a random dream Sam-Senpai but I kept having the same dream over and over again and now for some reason I can barely remember it lol

She tells the Angel, she wishes to fly high above the heavens with him just once....~

hmm the strange thing is I remember the maiden never actually having a name lol
Hmm i thought i saw an ushio lurking and there she is :goodtea:

Lol it was pretty xD Hmm what were you trying to do? xD

Repeating dreams... my dreams only ever repeated maybe once?... then it just got forgotten :goodtea:
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