[LPW #45] Ogura Yui-chan ga Daisuki~

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Hmm.... It seem like Will dug it up..... Second made it but that thread was dead.....
Yea.... Euc made a new one but it was close by Will and redirected by him.....

I hate the shotgun..... How the hell it take 4 shot to kill a dude at close range.....

EDIT: Monj like posting up music.... Should be at the what you listening to now thread.....
Online games are full of retards and that's why I stopped gaming...
That the thing..... If I ADS it, no shot hit but if I just hip shot it that seem to hit even from far away..... The hit detection on the shotty really suck....

EDIT: It something new.... I'll get bored of it in month time period....
CoDs have been same since mw1... But I have like around 1500h of playing it xD
Hmm.... You meant all FPS is the same, Monj..........

EDIT: It depend of which gun I'm using..... Some got spread while other don't.....
Noups... Not all... But many tend to copy CoD, esspecialy newer ones
Hmm well im sure the newer ones have some better features... not that ill play anyway...
most are just CoD clones. but with what I see recently, the guns tend to be less effective now than they used to be based on what they present in these games
Hmm.... I don't know.... Don't play that much cod..... Well, back to playing gun gale mode.....
Well not in cod... Well sometimes even snipers would need 2 hits cause of bad hit registry....
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