[LPW #45] Ogura Yui-chan ga Daisuki~

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Yes on that sniper shot.... How the hell I aim dead center with the scope on his chest and it miss.....
Hmm... which was the game where there was tons of aliens and whatnot? Cuz the bullets there were clearly visible and could pretty much be dodged... Not talking about halo...
Well 7 was worse. It was just a long lecture, although 6 could have ended better...


LOL 1st time using it. XD
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Damn.... Gun Gale spawn is so stupid...... Killed the person then he spawn right behind you....
[MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION]; Ah, Heaven's Feel is actually only in the FSN visual novel~ Unlike Fate and Unlimited Blade Works route it never got a anime, movie or anything of that nature so it solely resides as the third (but best story) route to FSN~ but of course if you don't know much of FSN it would be pointless to read it anyway. In short without giving away anything some fans (myself included) believe Touko from KnK made something in Heaven's Feel route~

Hiya LPW. :hi:
Just a passing post, back to Japanese studies.
Gaahhhhhh.... I need to watch FSN again..... And KnK...

EDIT: Hello Eva.... Seem like you be studying now.....
Probably my only post in here, but all I have to say is that Ogura Yui is anejiogwnflwnguwof moe.

i got a random uploader to post here. i feel proud.
I only played the 1st FSN VN, I'm waiting for translations of the 2nd. can't find the time to study Japanese yet. T.T

I can assume that. TYPE-MOON's stories are somehow interrelated.
Night sammy...

I have no idea why people like Mahou Shoujo Madoka that much... It's just an non-stopping lsd trip...
[MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION] ; Am I worthless if I did not read any TYPE-MOON Visual Novels?
I have not read a Visual Novel since August. It's quite sad how busy I am (with all of the meaningless gaming).
Hi all. (again)
Yeah, I've been busy just doing my Japanese lessons anymore Slayn lol. I suck so I struggle with it a lot but I refuse to give up on it. I've not even watched anime or anything last few days - strictly JP lessons basically. But you should go and rewatch them Slayn~

Hmm, [MENTION=36528]aexiel[/MENTION]; if you played Fate/Stay Night visual novel (not Fate/Hollow Atraxia) you should be able to witness Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel routes, they become opened up to you during your next play thru after you finish "Fate" route. To start Unlimited Blade Works path you just need to command Saber to stop from trying to attack Archer on I believe the 2nd night when he is with Rin. After that you are in the UBW route then complete that and you will have another route opened up which is the final route called "Heaven's Feel", I don't remember the starting option for this but I believe its at like the first or second day when you are with Sakura and she is about to go home, choice to walk her home then you SHOULD be in the Heaven's Feel route which is the longest route with the best story. It has ALOT of Dead Ends and Bad Ends but you can pull thru it, plus getting Dead Ends and Bad Ends unlocks scenes at the Taiga Dojo~ I wont spoil what you get for 100% Taiga Stamps though~ <3

Again Reika, you really should try to get involved in the Type-Moon franchise, its brilliant which is why I'm such a die-hard fan of it. Most of them are just dark and philosophical which is something I love. There is so many meanings behind KnK. I'm sure you would love it and get absorbed into it. Another thing is fans of Psycho-Pass or Madoka should love Fate/Zero as its script was written by Urobuchi Gen, who basically a master when it comes to writing dark scripts.
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