[LPW #46] Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

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Decal, skills is a factor, but when you're that low level, with no runes, masteries point make a heck of a difference, with enemy using flash and ignite and you only using exhaust and ghost, its not as easy as I wish. Talking about ELO hell, people tend to complain but the thing is, playing solo ranked, people never really play as a team, its not a game you can easily win 1v5, I've seen it before, but its rare, I've been paired with Plat and diamond, with the rest of the team as gold, including myself. We still lost to an all gold team because they worked as a team. Sometime ELO makes shit all difference, its about you communicating and working as a team that you tend to come out on top.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Runes, Masteries and Summoner Spells. I guess level does affect the way people play. People don't communicate as a team because they're too selfish with the K/D. It shouldn't matter how many kills someone has, all that matters is that you win. I've seen many people who play support, but complain that they're not getting any kills. Again, those are the idiots in LoL and DotA.
I almost always play as a tank and get quite satisfied when I finish game as 2/5/26 (K/D/A) whether I win or lose... But I really hate people who call me a feeder for 0/8/30 if we lose... And even more if I died rescuing them...
Graves counters Vayne, Vayne in my opinion does more single target damage whilst Graves does more AoE damage, personally I love Caitlyn with the new items actually XD
Me and my partner play a combo of Rammus (me) and Ashe (him) and destroy the tower on the 7th minute almost all the time. I taunt + he slows and damages = profit. Went to collage. Bye.
I suppose that is viable I guess, personally I won't try it xD Rammy just doesn't benefit too much from the support items in my opinion, he's better off in other roles xD
sova a good team wont let that happen without a trade or dragon.

as for ad carries, ashe is fine but needs proper team built around her. graves is pretty silly with that new 70% increase asp + additional target item. very very strong in my opinion. vayne is vayne, strong all around but can be bullied. ez was powerful, not sure how he compares post patch. as king mentioned, cait as well as mf seem to be decent now. oh and chog players can go die, that aoe spike buff is op. stupidly hard to dodge.
I have yet to seen a good enough Cho'Gath player to land that stupid rupture on me o.O And I don't really agree that Vayne is strong all around, since she lacks a lot of AoE damage some other ADC offers, for example Graves offer a healthy dose of AoE damage whilst maintaining that stupid high burst adc damage. But Vayne is still one of the best single target ADC there is to date in my opinion. I haven't tried MF with the new items, I'll give it a go sometimes actually :3
Vayne still ranks up there. Top tier for me. As for chog, I as well rarely let spike land on me but its spammable and prevents me from farming cs as mid. Stupid aoe is like 1/2 my lane width. And ofc if it does hit past 6, gg or running for life.
That's true, once rupture lands, it is very easy for the Cho'Gath to follow up with his combo, but what I find about Cho'Gath is that he tends to be weak later games for some random odd reason, his damage doesn't scale very well late game other than his ulti o.O And if he build mage then he's a reasonably easy target, if he build tank, well, you can just ignore him majority of the time after he used his ulti. One thing I tend to do is that if I see a Cho'Gath, I avoid engage in jungle, like you already mentioned, his rupture is very very good in jungle due to its area that it covers, nonetheless, there are hardly any good Cho'Gath players that I seen recently. If you're against a mid Chogath you should have no problem farming, it is top lane that is annoying, due to majority of the top lane is melee, making dodging rupture + farming a lot harder than any ranged mid. Personally I love seeing a Cho'Gath when I'm Elise :P Since my Q always scales hp, with the more rupture feast stacks he have, the more damage I do him, huehuehuehue, the new Elise is so awesome after the buff :3

Will head out for lunch, be back later guys :3
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¬_¬ How dare you, I'm still best with Kat out of all champions :3 Probably because she have always been my favorite :3
Decal, I have all Kat skins to date, including Slay Belle, Kitty Kat and Red Card...All my friends are so jealous because of this :P
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