[LPW #46] Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

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I know there is a Steel Legion Lux which I personally really look forward to. I don't know about a Cyber Kat, but I do like the custom skin of High school Kat as well, quite a nice idea xD But I don't mind seeing a Legendary Kat skins, or even a Themed Kat skins, Pulsefire Kat xD
I am back. I so wanna buy Full Metal Rammus, but so don't want to spend my money... I wonder, will they give free RP this year too...
Just ask a friend to gift you, Gift centre should still be up for another day or two o.O
I really don't have any friends generous enough to give me a gift like that:sowwy:... Hell, I don't even have friends at all:lmao:
crap I just opened pandora's box in the creation section

I have a feeling I am going to regret doing that again O_O
And because King was so bored that he decided to try LoL TW server in HK, and first game I managed to carried the team and gg enemy team in 20 minutes xD
oh nothing, its just a little something I call pandora's box

whenever I do this I usually get bombarded by requests non stop....

cough, hence why I never did it here til now..

but christmas made me change my mind for now...
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