What Kou said. Although, I'm sure there's still a lot of games I played when I was a kid that I forgot about right now... I'm in a search to find these long lost treasures and return them to my chest :P
lol I can't bare to remember a bit about a game I played and how I can't play it again ;_; I become zetsubou sensei in real life just thinking about it @_@
lol, I'm living your fear 24/7 Teru ;D For now, my pirate ship drifts strong among the binary streams~ But, buying is good too. As vast as the internet is, there are some things it cannot give... like my Cocona dakimakura xD
I want lots of fun before I need to go and find a job. I'm savoring the last moments of my youth :P Besides I have to go somewheres in three hours anyway. I know I'll still have time to play even after work, but I like this no hassle lifestyle that I'm in. And I intend to use it to it's fullest.
looking forward to this january really. shows have been better than what i expected.
Gosick - quite a sleek first episode. found the op rather nice.
Freezing - yet to watch, but as stated, definitely will. Saw the OP, the boobs!~ *grabs tissue for nosebleed*