[LPW #5] Smile for Anime Sharing!

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@ Coco - may be is you inner desire~

very ecchi sig >_>.
like a tsun denying it. thanks for looking at sora with those eyes of appreciation XD
Madness! You are all influenced with madness I tell you! Lies and madness!!!

My eyes are pure when I tell an anime girl she's pretty ;_;
@ Terumi - you want Nao.

@ shito - somebody might get distracted by it LAWL

@ Cocona - a new fetish then !
A new fetish I don't want >_> Twin tail DFCs forever >_>
hmm hmm... who knows whats cocona doing in his closet...

just finished fractale 1. pretty story and nice flow, but it didnt generate the hype everyone was looking forward to. but definitely looking forward to it
looks like someone's job may be hanging on the loose.
@ Coco - who is this Croix you speak of?

@ Terumi - It is living up to the hype and positive comments more than negative. Whr u get your news from?
uh huh. i didnt say it was negative. i pretty liked the episode, a decent episode with great settings and screenplay ^^

some of my friends said it was a dead bore, they most probably dont understand then.
hopefully this hype is contagious ^^
Hey guys~

Lol, takling about Cocona other side? What side? o_O
And I was thinking of something ecchi too for Kanade xD
@Kou Croix is Cocona's legal guardian. Play Ar tonelico 2 to learn the rest :P

Hi Anti~
@ Terumi - lol.. reaction based on friends ka.. well it is living up to its hype, just see the large amount of comments on it everywhere. 2chan comments are all generally positive.

@ Anti - Coco's path of enlightenment towards yaoi~
@Anti - Something exotic in coco's tastes.

And as for me, playing some C79 games.
lol even here it seems... do I emit an aura like that or something?

well, cant agree further. it was a rather nice first episode. saw some nice comments on blogs too.

but to me and others too, no one does such shows better than hayao miyazaki himself. not being biased here, but its truth.
@Cocona, lol and what kind of aura it that o.O

And I was thinking of something like this for Kanade:
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