oh ya. totally forgot to mention dbz. i watched the entire db series(1st series, Z, and GT) in a dialect language(cantonese dubbed), back then where vcds was still pretty the 'in' items.
i am comtemplating whether to drop rio. really no direction at all.
but i watch on wednesday, where theres no other shows.. hmm..
i think the drop outweighs time...
Hi could you please re-upload the following works in an updated version?
I'd like to have them all together with the MP3 files if possible.
[RJ01273094] [RJ01192455] [RJ01132855] [RJ01065526] [RJ01013222] [RJ424041] [RJ405055] [RJ389827] [RJ360152] [RJ311288] [RJ308256]