[LPW#50] Title..? This isn't title... THIS! IS!! MADNESS!!! mk2 Madness, Justice and Akatsuki always prevail!

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Final Countdown.

1. I am playing Vayne, because I plan on being a team's ADC.
2. Kat and I go down to bot lane because the enemy team is pushing bot lane.
3. The enemy team dies except for Diana.
4. Kat and I go after her.
5. Kat ults, but doesn't kill her. Take into account that we were both attacking her.
6. I shoot one bolt and kill the enemy Diana.
7. Kat says it's a KS and calls me a noob.
8. I tell the other team to report Kat because she's been calling everyone on my team a noob and just plain being a stubborn player.
9. An idiot Jarvan decides to say 'Report Vayne!'. Maybe because they both spoke Spanish and was being a biased b**ch. I know they weren't friends or family because Kat called him a noob as well.
10. Everyone on my team tells the other team to report me.

This is why I hate biased people and people who don't let the ADC get the kills. This isn't Call of Duty where K/D/A determines rewards. This is a teamwork-based game and it's clear that the ADC should get the kill because he/she is going to carry you late game when you go off and die 10 times in a row without being of any use.
Final piece of cake...

You can always cheat. Or make someone else answer questions you don't know for you...
I rather make a mistake than to cheat for the answer. When you cheat you get nothing out of it but when you answer honestly and get it wrong you will know to study more next time. What if you cheated on that test then got into a super hard class/school then you are fucked because you dont know shit!

[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; add me Ign: coconutcrackerr
Let me carry you!
Well... The only reason to why people didn't cheat in our school was because no one wanted to take the risk of doing it.
People who cheat are scum. Most of my friends are scum. sigh..

Cheating doesnt build character!
and the more you cheat the less honest you will be in life!
Hmm... Sorry, but I would rather cheat, than spend who knows how much time for some useless subject like ukrainian... Also, I hate cheating myself, and never cheat during normal exams (thus get a lot of 2s and 3s (five-point grading scale)), but when it comes to exams where whether you stay in college is at stake, I usually cheat. I can always just learn that afterwards. Although I'm good at it and no one ever finds out... Also, I cheat only at those exams, nowhere else...
I suppose that madness makes you do desperate things? Like posting commercial about hearts xD
Wow there's so many new people, even more then before. I'm watching O_O
For me, if you get caught cheating; you get kicked out of college.

Hey Cocona, long time no see. I believe we met in my first LPW back in April.
Sova! teachers, counselors, etc are there to help you, To set you up for the future, to put you on the right path, but if you provide them false information they cant do that for you. They provide the materials and tools for you succeed and a person who puts 100% effort and honesty into school it is most likely they will not fail and even if they are failing the teachers will know where to get them that help to not fail. Everybody is different and everyone learns differently but no one learns through cheating or gets anything out of it. Sometimes the truth is gonna hurt or even devastating but you gotta learn to face it not hide or run from it because it is gonna catch up to you no matter what and bite your ass. So please no more cheating, I would hate to see someone suffer the consequences of cheating.
Lol, in my school/class Im the one who brought advanced techniques of cheating on tests xD.

Remember, cheating is winning
Agree with you as well, Deccie.

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; I almost forgot that you mentioned it to Checkmate. Happy birthday to you! I hope you had an awesome day! :runhappy:

[MENTION=40283]Yee199[/MENTION]; While i had a normal math class i used to switch between the answers on the last page and the actual question. That way i had an easier time to figure out how they were thinking when they solved it.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; There is a difference from checking answers and out right cheating.
[MENTION=40283]Yee199[/MENTION]; I would rather say that it's a difference between it being a normal math class and not a test. If you check the answers in class and on a test it's simply cheating even if it makes me understand it better.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; Homework and stuff yeah I think its acceptable but on a test I dont think so!
[MENTION=40283]Yee199[/MENTION]; It's the same thing as cheating on a test. Cheating is cheating. I can understand Sova's reason though since he doesn't do it for grades, he does it to be able to stay in college.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; Everyone has their own preferences.:whistle:
[MENTION=40283]Yee199[/MENTION]; Now that i think about it. Calling it "partly cheating" would be better since you only get the answer and not the actual formula on how to solve it.
Wow... Yee, do you really believe that stuff you said about teachers? I don't know how it is where you live, but the reality and truth here is: teachers teach you at their lessons only half of the material, for the other half you have to pay them and go on their additional lessons, teachers seek not to guide and teach you but to get as much money from you as they can. Other people in your class are stupid idiots with lots of money that just give up on the first half and pay teachers for the second half while they scream and interfere with you trying to learn at least the first part. And the most unfair thing is that by the first half of material you can only get 3 out 5. So this is a situation where either you pay to get good marks, or you spend a lot of time to learn on your own to get good marks or you just cheat and get normal marks.
And although I say cheat, it's not like I find the already solved problems that would be on the exams then have simply write them. I solve the problems that look like they might be on the exams, photo them, upload to my mobile, and if I don't understand some problems on exam, look if I had any similar on my mobile... In other words, I don't get already solved problem, but the method of solving it, thus I understand how to solve it in the process. Although I guess that's still called cheating...
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