[LPW#50] Title..? This isn't title... THIS! IS!! MADNESS!!! mk2 Madness, Justice and Akatsuki always prevail!

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FUCK! after all this life talk I need to reconsider my classes for 10th grade.
Stupid engineering class. q.q

"Character building" is experiences which teach you some of life's lessons; lessons like keep your word, pay attention, don't run with sharp objects. Many character building experiences hurt and may contain a "significant emotional experience". With a little good luck, you will live through them and be a better person.
Im living in Serbia, I think I win the prize for the shittiest country...
Evening guys... Oh, what for a expression words (?)...:goodtea:~>
Monjster... I live in country full of russians...

Hi, Nanashi...
No need for those lessons then. I am mad after all ;p I will sleep through them anyway... Or the teacher will annoy me and I would simply kill him... On of these two...
You guys are GOLD!

And btw Hinode seems a bit down lately. Can everyone try cheering him up?

Me doesn't like AMVs. Refuses to watch. This is a final decision.
Hmmm... I think it was Samye who was depressed though...
Nanashi, I don't haven't seen more than 8 members lurking around for a long time ;p
Nanashi, I don't haven't seen more than 8 members lurking around for a long time ;p
Are you sure...? I can me on a LPW remember from the last sommer where about 13 m.'s lurked have.
All lurkers are gone... Well, its not that summer now...
Yeah, all gone... Perhaps all sleep already....

Anyway, how are you today, better...?
now ppl are cursing like crazy fajinglialireughlaieugrh
/nodecentpplherewhatsoeverrrrr :frozen:
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