Last game, I played as Blitzcrank and a Nocturne decided to go bottom lane with me. I get an early grab on Soraka and Nocturne and I get her to close to no health, but Ezreal is going all out on Nocturne and Nocturne is close to dying. Soraka heals herself and Ezreal kills Nocturne. Nocturne blames me for his death and I'm just sitting there dumbfounded about how is it my fault that he died when he should've flashed out or ran, instead of keep going. I'm not Thresh who throws lanterns to save people, I'm Blitzcrank, the most OP support who just pulls people in for kills. And this is just the beginning. Nocturne decides to blame me for 4 more of his deaths when he keeps going in without even farming, so Ezreal, at 50-100 farm at 10 minutes, is shitting on Nocturne who has 0 FARM AT 10 FUCKING MINUTES. Me, being a person who loves to talk back, told Nocturne to stop going in and just farm. And guess what? HE GOES IN AGAIN. I don't even know why I have to deal with idiots like this. Even Garen and Teemo at top were getting owned. Anivia was getting dominated by Katarina at mid. Everything was just dandy because my team just sucks at League of Legends. The worst thing is that Anivia fed Katarina so much that when I pull an almost dead Katarina, she just kills most of my team with her ult and lives. GG.