[LPW#52!] Last Frontier !

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if I hacked him, I could get the overdrive more easier..
I'm not really sure what you mean by "satisfied" but Probably yes?
How about you Renaa..??? did you the type who can saving moneyy.. handle money.. or spending moneyy.??? :fullblush:

I save money.

I like to save it for important things like for food, art supplies, and paying the bills.

However, I suppose I am 'loaded' in a way. I used to buy games, CDs, or books by the dozen. ^^

Then, I wait about 2-4 months... and buy a dozen more. xD

I don't spend money as much now. There isn't really anything worthwhile to buy since it's only a temporary happiness for me.
Hmm well there is something to be gained from seeing the outcome of hard work ;p

Temporary happiness... hmm... well i think theres some talk about some level of happiness that a person returns to? Not sure...
/me casually waves hello to everyone and gives out (insert whatever)

Maa... that kind of happiness is nice. It does put a brief smile on my face.

If you laugh more than smiling, then I think you're pretty happy.

Trolling... hmm... reminds me of that 'are you a troll' thread.
/me waves back and takes some (insert whatever)

Lol well i guess more is better in this case~ However it is gotten~

Smiling... hmm... i do believe most of my smiles are... somewhat sad smiles... but i guess i do laugh more~
Man it's fun to be an observer...
Nazaka observes as sin tries as hard as he can to save musang.. though there's a possibility his attempt will be futile..

Uryu seems to have no work at all and he is online all the time, probably no one can get overdrive anymore..?
It hasn't been 12 hours yet, his chances of survive are extremely high. >(
Thanks all....

The reason ppl wants too eat you sam is because someone as been feeding you sweets in order to prepare you for this feast.....^^

Reminds me of a certain fairytail I can't remember the name of...

Spam probably tastes like paper, or that stuff cardboxes are made of...you know, th eones you see ppl use when they move from one place to an other.
Hansel & Gretel

I am the witch! :lmao:

Good-night everyone~

Don't forget to change your clocks one hour ahead.

Bleh... Daylight Savings. =_=

/me waves good-bye and gives out dumplings with soy sauce and Jasmine Tea
[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; Have a good night, and hope your dreams will be somewhat different and sweet, if possible.

Hansel & Gretal Thanks !
Just saved me potential hours of trying to remembering...since I hate it when I forget stuff, and never give up until I remember it.

Now this is turning scarier by the second now O.o

I'll still drink and eat from the witch's hand either way so I might as well just....
nom nom nom nom


/me watched shcool days yesterday....and is messed up..
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