[LPW#53!] Do I Need to Make a Title :\

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Then you just have crappy luck xD

Well..It's a fact that sperm cells carrying the Y chromosome to produce male offspring are generally faster than X chromosome.
But I'm not sure if this is pontifically proven. I read it somewhere in a book.
Then you just have crappy luck xD

Well..It's a fact that sperm cells carrying the Y chromosome to produce male offspring are generally faster than X chromosome.
But I'm not sure if this is pontifically proven. I read it somewhere in a book.

My luck sucks so it wouldn't surprise me :/ Proof that women are slow? :goodtea:
Hmm theres usually more females in a population?

Good evening frank~ But i think you need the sleeping pills more than i~
Yea what I posted before isn't the complete story. Might as well finish it xD

Male sperm cells are Faster but they die off quickly. Female sperm cells on the other hand, are slower but much hardier and they last longer. So yea according to some theory in order increase you chances for a girl, you need to have sex 3 days before the woman ovulates. In a word "The theory being that if you have sex earlier, only the "female sperm cells " will survive.
Hello luvs...

I've just finished a route in Katawa Shoujo and end up really liking it. Any other VN to recommend me?
The first: G'evening Monj...!
The second: Which play length should the VN have (How long the game be should, meant)...?
G'evening nanashi

I don't really mind at all as long as it is fun (well just nothing overly long, everything else should be okey).

One more thing, nothing silly. I prefer deeper themes.
Well then a 2-10 hour VN...? Well in this play-time category are rarely good games, in reality first at the 10-30 hour VN category give very lot good VN's...
I don't mind 10-30 hours nanashi. Just recommend me the ones you think are the best
Well then let me think...
Hmm... Try Kira Kira and the sequel game Kira Kira~Curtain call, and Deardrops, because they're music oriented.
Nanashi1> Thanks. Also I don't really need them to be music oriented :). I finished Shoujo while I muted it and played this xD:

Well okay, but which attitude should the game still have? Dark? Epic? Romance? Or criminal...?
Any of the mentioned. I'm okey with dark,mystery and a little romance maybe. Also I like psychological and sad stuff also
Well at psychological VN can I you G-senjou no maoo and the Fate searies recommend.

And at dark/mystery VN can I, too here the Fate series and Steins;Gate recommend.

At romance VN can I you the D.C.~Da capu series recommend.
Thanks. I was also going to download Deardrops but then read it was kinda H-scenes oriented and I don't want that lol
Well I know that you so what not like, but at Deardrops are the H-scenes very less, or not much.
Okay, then have lot fun with the game^^! Because that is a very good VN, because it hold the mixture balance: Action, mystery, crime, romance and etc. - very good.
Yeah and the plot sounds interesting.... Away from that, what was the VN with the biggest number of choices u can make that u played?
Hmm... Somehow I don't understand what you mean...

Mean you maybe: Which was at me the best VN?...

Or: How much/lot VN's already played have...?
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