[LPW#53!] Do I Need to Make a Title :\

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And... *nanashi1 sets (fixed) kactaplb before a fast train...:evillaugh:
And bye...~
[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] G-Senjou no maou is a great psychological thriller. highly recommended. for romance oriented ones, try Clannad or Da Capo. Little Busters! is a very interesting game, with a pretty surprising true ending, that one is really interesting. they're adding 3 routes, hopefully soon
[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] G-Senjou no maou is a great psychological thriller. highly recommended. for romance oriented ones, try Clannad or Da Capo. Little Busters! is a very interesting game, with a pretty surprising true ending, that one is really interesting. they're adding 3 routes, hopefully soon

Do you know when Da Capo III will be translated? :reallyconfused: Mention/quote me in your answer in case people decides to spam this thread. I'm off to sleep, that's why :bye: Sleep well everyone and take care :bye:
Do you know when Da Capo III will be translated? :reallyconfused: Mention/quote me in your answer in case people decides to spam this thread. I'm off to sleep, that's why :bye: Sleep well everyone and take care :bye:

it's at 20-30%. there's a download link at Fuwanovel that has a partial patch

goodnight Hinode :bye:

been kinda busy with family things, and having spring break/cleaning :o
a pile of things to release too lol. hmmm and more homework, plans this week, it's getting busier but lively~<3
that's always nice. last time i had a day off was because of a bomb threat :/
that one didn't last long though, and i wasn't at school at the time. the first bomb threat sucked, cause i was at school. don't know why security kept us inside :/ ahh my college campus is dangerous lol

i'm glad they weren't all that serious though. they were just bluffs
it was so boring! i rode the bus all the way to school, only to get stuck there for 3-4 hours. my classes were cancelled, so i went to school just to get stuck there. lame. i don't know why everyone wants to blow up my campus. this school has 4 other campuses, and they always threaten mine. bleh, now i'm in an annoyed mood. someone say something happy!!
not alot of time to do school things ;;
good eve/moring anywho and ttyl :o
grr more headaches ;;
good luck with your headache

hmm, what to do, what to do. i guess i should look for a new VN or somethin
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